Posted in heartbreak, human nature, Life, love, musings, Poems

If only…

When I was younger, about twenty

I used to think innocently

Oh, let me just get that job!

Then I would never sob!

After getting my heart broken by plenty

I used to think innocently

Oh, let me just get married!

Then I would never be single and harried!

I now have a job, I make good money

I am now married, a mother of a baby

I still sob well, I am quite harried..

Truth is, I am lost, almost buried

Beneath the burden of responsibility

I have forgotten my true identity

All I wished for was love and joy

But all I’ve amassed is bitter foy

As the present seems bleak in pain

My heart still pounds in vain

Hoping for a brighter day ahead

I wake up each day and make some bread

I wear a smile all day, all gay

Hoping that good comes my way

And I bid farewell forever

To those memories that run a dagger

Through my heart and soul, and scatter

All the good in me away

To nothingness, vacuum and dismay.

Posted in nature, personification, Poems

The Morning Star


A ball of fire I am
For young lads Arthur and Sam
My shine, my warmth, my sparkle
Falls upon everyone living in this circle

I am a beauty when I rise
People call me the star that never dies
I am a mystery when I set
Truth is, I never get rest

I burn forever, yet I give hope
I give life, I am a hero
Dazzling the lush, green slope

I illuminate the deceiving darkness
And heal dead hearts and sorrowful souls
I am the bringer of light
I am the healer of plight

A ball of fire I am
I am the golden sun.

Posted in heartbreak, Poems, sorrow

When it all ends, it goes down on paper

Hey everyone! I am really very happy to tell you all that two of my works have been published in my college magazine. I know its not a big shot, but it was my first attempt at getting something published somewhere and it is really a wonderful feeling when people you know very well, and even those you really don’t know that well, come up to you and appreciate your work. So I thought I need to share one of those poems with you all too. The first one has been published in this blog earlier, in the post titled ‘Emptiness’. These were written about 6-7 months ago at a very low point of my life. But Alhamdulillah (thanks to Allah), the time has gone, and these poems just reminisce the feelings then.

Here I am back on the lane..
Which gives nothing else but pain..
When will it stop?
The sliding tear drop,
When will they fade?
The memories that eventually invade,
My mind, my heart, my soul..
Planting a deathly ghoul..
You taught me how to love
I learnt how to care
Those silent conversations we drove
Are the best moments we share
But now you’re gone
And I’m forlorn
Wish you had shown me how to hate
Because you’re not worth the wait
My only hope in sight
Is that the day would become bright
The clouds would cast away
And I would dance and sway
And talk and smile
Which I have not done in a while
Oh Lord, bring back those times
Please.. bring back those times…

I’d appreciate your feedback! Hope you liked it! 🙂